Click images above to view residency
Monarch Butterflies
Fields Project, Oregon IL
I was chosen as one of four nationwide artists to create a monumental field sculpture for the 2009 Fields Project. This nine day residency invites artists to lodge on a working farm and create artwork in the scenic Rock River Hill Country of Oregon, Illinois.
This unique residency focuses public attention on art, agriculture, and natural resources while creating new relationships between artists, farmers, environmentalists, and educators.
My design of the endangered
Monarch butterflies, Illinois'

state insect, celebrates their unique migration journey through these fields.
Going out into the fields each morning, in scorching heat and extreme humidity, for several days I worked with a group of volunteers, to map, flag and mow my original 4"x7" design onto a 7 acre field of high grassland.
While difficult to see the artwork from the ground, the final sculpture was designed to be viewed and photographed from the air.
To watch the video click here